Saturday, December 16, 2006

Choosing a Christmas Card Picture

So, this is the first year we sent out Christmas Cards and we had to include a picture of Joaquin. We ended up taking a ton of pictures. You can see them all here.
Anyway, enjoy the shots.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pictures for December 5, 2006

Here are some pictures of Joaquin and his friend Sarica. Anji took these today!

12-5-06 013

12-5-06 009

12-5-06 015

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Pictures for December 2, 2006

We have not put up picts in a while, so we thought we would take some this morning and post them. Tried to get Joaquin to smile, but he was not having any part of it.


12-3-06 020

12-3-06 019

12-3-06 015

12-3-06 018

12-3-06 013

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend

Joaquin had a big weekend and met lots of family and friends!

Check him out!

11-26-06 card 1 007

11-26-06 card 1 010

11-26-06 card 1 015

11-26-06 card 1 030

11-26-06 card 1 024

11-26-06 card 2 026

11-26-06 card 1 049

11-26-06 card 1 069

11-26-06 card 2 033

11-26-06 card 1 074

11-26-06 card 2 017

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Halloween pictures

Here are some pictures from last week. There are more on the flickr photostream, but you knew that already.

Check it out.

10-28-06pt2 004

10-28-06pt2 006

10-28-06pt2 018

10-31-06 002

10-31-06 008

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Pictures for the week: October 28th

Here are some shots from last week.

As always, you can see more new ones at the flickr page.

10-28-06 002

10-28-06 010

10-28-06 015

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Video from 10-18-06

Here is some video from last week.

To play the video, press the little white triangle thing in the green box under the picture.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Pea in a Pod

There are more pictures on the Flickr page.

Here is one for you. We just got him this Halloween costume.

10-14-06 012

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pictures for October 8

I have updated the flickr photostream, so if you want to see more, go over there to check it out.

garden_of _eden 014

This is a picture from our hike to the "Garden of Eden" in Henry Cowel State Park.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Pictures for October 2

These shots are from October 2nd. I am just a bit late posting them. There are more in the flickr photo stream.

10-2-06 008

10-2-06 009

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pictures for September 23rd

Here are some pictures that were taken last week. As always, you will find all the pictures I uploaded, (it is alot) here in the flickr photostream.

9-23-06 008

9-23-06 017

9-23-06 019

9-23-06 029

Monday, September 18, 2006

9-17-06 picts

The flickr page is updated

Here are some more picts...

9-17-06 008

We got a visit from Anji's cousins

9-17-06 016

Here are some more that I just took, today 9-18!

9-18-06 007

9-18-06 006

9-18-06 008

Monday, September 11, 2006

Pictures for September 11th 2006

Hi everyone.

Things are going great! We still can't believe that little Joaquin is here! Just been a bit busy, so we have not been able to post as many pictures as you would have liked.

Here are some pictures taken today!

joaquin 9-11 004

joaquin 9-11 005

joaquin 9-11 015

joaquin 9-11 020

9-6-06 001